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Tuesday 14 August 2012

Mom on the Run

Mom on the Run

Must Have Monday: Oliver’s Label

Posted: 13 Aug 2012 03:15 AM PDT

Oliver's Labels

Back to School is only a few short weeks away for us in New England. On Friday, I received a back to school/welcome letter for my middle daughter, Tajiah. This is the "dreaded" letter in my house as it signals that summer is coming to the end. The letter was to introduce Tajiah's new teacher and give us a list of supplies she will need for the new school year. The list was not as bad as it had been in years past and with one store stop all the supplies were purchased.  I was pretty excited to have 1 kid done.

When I got home Tajiah was so excited about her new supplies. Who doesn't love new things!!!! My one fear is what happens once these items leave the comfort of our house to the school desk abyss. Several times last year Tajiah would come home and tell me that she lost something of her school supplies. After re-purchasing a pencil sharpener for the the third time I had enough.  This year I got a little smarter with the school supplies thanks to Oliver's Labels.

Edited Labels

Oliver's Labels is a homegrown business with a great start up story. Here is the story:

Debbie is owner of Oliver’s Labels. She states: "Oliver, my sister Marla’s son, is my inspiration for my business.When Ollie was young, Marla lived in New York City with her husband. When I would come to visit, Marla and I would go exploring the city by foot, with Ollie in his stroller. Like any young child, Ollie just loved to wiggle out of his shoes and toss them out the side of the stroller. Fortunately, we would usually notice soon enough, retrace our steps, and find his tiny shoe somewhere on the sidewalk. I knew there would be a time when we would not be so lucky.
That’s when I got the idea to make some simple, homemade labels with Ollie’s name and phone number on them. I stuck them on his bottle, inside his shoes, and on anything else Ollie decided he was bringing with him that day.
One day when I was back in my hometown (Toronto, Canada), I got a very excited phone call from Marla. "You will never believe what happened!" she exclaimed. It turned out that as usual, on one of their excursions, Oliver had managed to maneuver out of one of his brand new Nike runners. Marla was so disappointed, having only discovered it missing once they got home. Later that day a woman from the Bronx called saying that she had found the shoe! The shoe was returned and I was so delighted that my labels worked! Marla was so delighted at having saved a $60 pair of shoes!
By the time that Oliver started daycare, attending class with 15 other children, I started thinking about my labels again. This time, I used my 6 years of experience in the printing industry to design a label that would be both waterproof and beautiful. I then came up with the Found-it™ Tracking System to avoid sharing personal information (like a phone number) with strangers. Marla put them on his water bottle, books, and of course his shoes. His stuff always comes home with him. His teachers appreciate the time they save, always knowing what belongings are his. And Ollie's classmates’ parents started to ask Marla where they could get these same labels, both for their own children, and as birthday gifts for their children's friends.
And so, my business was born.
With Ollie as my inspiration, I bring you Oliver's Labels! How kids' stuff finds its way home!

Why choose Oliver's Labels?

  • Found-it™ tracking system
    Oliver's Labels has become famous for our
    Found-it™ tracking system, exclusive to Oliver's Labels and completely free of charge for all our customers. Found-it™ is our online lost-and-found system that doesn’t use your personal information.
  • Full-color designs
    Oliver's Labels has so many beautiful full-color graphic
    designs to choose from for both kids and adults, so there’s something for everyone.
  • Unmatched Durability
    We use a top-secret process that guarantees the printing will never rub or scuff off… even on our Shoe Labels.
  • Fair prices
    Even though our product are premium, our prices are not.
    Supplies part 2

Nicely Labeled School Supplies

Labels help keep everything organized and easy to track down. I love the fact that there are multiple different uses for the labels that not only include school supplies, but clothes and shoes as well. Tajiah has a knack for "misplacing" her rain jacket all over the school community.

Tajiah with supplies

Tajiah very proud of her new supplies!

Oliver's Labels have many designs that you and your little one can choose from. Tajiah picked the fantasy theme because there was a mermaid included within that theme. It is very easy to create your labels. Once you are done Oliver's Labels does that rest. Another perk is that your child thinks you are the coolest mom ever (a direct quote from Tajiah).

screen shot

As you can see Oliver's Labels is a busy Mom on the Run's best friend. The less time I have to spend finding lost items is the more time I can spend with my girls. You can see why Oliver’s Labels is a MOTR Must have.

Do you have a must have for Back to School Time at your house?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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