Healthy Kids Blog: Does Co-Sleeping or Breastfeeding a Toddler or Preschooler Create Dependency? |
- Does Co-Sleeping or Breastfeeding a Toddler or Preschooler Create Dependency?
- Best Crib Mattress is Lullaby Earth: Affordable Non Toxic Mattress for Your Baby
- Visit Healthy Child’s Product Guide
- Flu Shots are Not Effective
- Vibrant Healthy Kids: Important for You to Know
- Watch Out for Toxic Toys
- Make your Vaccination Decisions from Your Core Values not Fear
- The Holistic Baby Guide: Alternative Care for Common Health Problems
- Do you Have an Intense, Challenging, Spirited, or Sensitive Child?
- Dental Health for Your Children
Does Co-Sleeping or Breastfeeding a Toddler or Preschooler Create Dependency? Posted: 16 Dec 2011 11:50 AM PST
My daughter is now 16 and the most independent person I’ve ever known. She has had a healthy attachment to me throughout her life, and at the same time has shown a very secure independence from me. She has never had any form of separation anxiety. How can a child be attached to a parent and independent at the same time? It’s because her dependency needs have been met and she knows that she’s safe and secure to be out in the world in her own independent way. Co-sleeping and long-term, extended breastfeeding provide a secure attachment that leads to independence. She even has me worried that she may be a little too independent. Now she is asking me if she can get her own apartment at age 16. Her reasoning is that she plans on going to college in about 20 months and wants to go to a school far away and live on her own. She feels that living on her own now will help her to prepare for this. Plus, even though she has a lot of good friends, she recognizes that she is an introvert and needs her alone time. Of course, I understand her reasoning and happy she feels comfortable with this, but it’s not going to happen. She’s only 16. There have been many times over the years that I’ve looked back on my parenting choices. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and still do. And there are also choices I made that I know have had a positive impact. When I was still breastfeeding and co-sleeping, some well-meaning people warned me that this was creating within my child an unhealthy dependence on me. I’m very happy that I didn’t listen to them and continued to do what I felt was the right thing for my child. In addition to my daughter’s independence, she is also extremely healthy and very smart – since 6th grade she’s had nothing but straight As in school. I’m not saying this to brag (well maybe a little!), but I want to make the point that four years of breastfeeding helped her develop a strong immunity to disease. And I believe the breastmilk, with DHA and other brain-enhancing components, helped to strongly develop her brain and increase her intelligence. This is not just my daughter’s story; there is scientific evidence for this. I firmly believe that one of the best parenting decisions I’ve ever made was extended, long-term breastfeeding. What has been your experience with long-term breastfeeding, co-sleeping, or attachment parenting? What has been your experience if you are not practicing attachment parenting? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please let us know by commenting below. Learn about Safe Co-Sleeping on a Non-Toxic Mattress Learn about Attachment Parenting
Best Crib Mattress is Lullaby Earth: Affordable Non Toxic Mattress for Your Baby Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:06 AM PST If you are searching for the best crib mattress that is also affordable, there are several considerations:
And it must be affordable!The new Lullaby Earth meets all these requirements and is by far, the best crib mattress available. Affordable Baby Mattress that Provides Peace of Mind with No Toxic Off-Gassing! Most c Your baby should not be sleeping on a toxic mattress! There are organic crib mattresses available that use organic, renewable fibers. An organic crib mattress is the best you can get (as long as it is also non-toxic), but an organic mattress can be expensive. If organic is not affordable to you, don’t compromise and put your baby on a toxic mattress. That’s why I’m so excited about the new Lullaby Earth Super Lightweight Crib Mattress. It’s not organic, but if you really can’t afford to buy an organic mattress, the Lullaby Earth is a safe, non-toxic affordable baby mattress that will keep your baby safe. It’s much less expensive than an organic crib mattress, yet it will give you peace of mind knowing that there is no toxic off-gassing and you are buying the best crib mattress that you can afford. Yes, you can buy a cheap crib mattress for $60 with toxic materials, but your baby needs a safe, chemical-free, non-toxic mattress. Don’t compromise your baby’s health! Find out more about the new Lullaby Earth Super Lightweight Crib Mattress
Visit Healthy Child’s Product Guide Posted: 07 Dec 2011 03:00 PM PST At Healthy Child, we research and choose non-toxic organic products for babies and children. Our product guide contains organic mattresses, bedding, toys, and other products to keep your children vibrant and healthy! |
Posted: 06 Dec 2011 07:33 PM PST Take Vitamin D to Prevent FluEverywhere I go I see signs telling me to get my flu shot. This makes me cringe because I know these vaccines are not effective and they can also wreak havoc with the health of both children and adults. Public health officials have been hyping flu vaccine effectiveness for a long time, even though they know they don’t work very well. The British Medical Journal published an independent analysis of flu vaccine studies that concluded there is little scientific proof that flu vaccines are effective, and little evidence exists on the safety of these vaccines. Too few clinical trials have been conducted to prove vaccine safety and current evidence indicates that use of flu vaccine has only a modest or no effect on preventing influenza in the children and the elderly. Here’s how they spin flu vaccine statistics to show the vaccine is more effective than it really is: The goal of public health is to induce people to get the flu shot whether it’s effective or not. They say “it’s not perfect but it’s the best we have.” Well it’s NOT the best we have. And it comes with adverse effects that can be very detrimental to health. Some flu vaccines contain significant amounts of mercury. And one flu vaccine has now been banned for children under 5 in Australia, Europe and the United States due to the increased rate of convulsions in children. What do we have that’s safer and more effective? Vitamin D has been shown to prevent flu and other infectious diseases. A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial of school children shows vitamin D prevents the flu. They also found that asthmatic children on placebo had six times more asthma attacks than did children on vitamin D. The study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Read more about the evidence that vitamin D reduces the risk of influenza and pneumonia: Vitamin D Triggers and Activates the Immune SystemIn addition, scientists have discovered that Vitamin D is crucial to activating the immune response. Without sufficient levels of vitamin D, the killer cells of the immune system – T cells – are not able to fight off serious infections. We Need a Change in Public Health PolicyThere’s no real health care reform until public health policy changes to recommend what works instead of what brings in more profits for the pharmaceutical industry. If our government is serious about public health, they should reconsider the strategy of recommending an expensive pharmaceutical-based, questionable mode of prevention that has associated health risks when a natural, inexpensive, no-risk preventive has been proven effective. In the meantime, we parents can implement our own health care reform and provide our babies and children with optimal vitamin D levels, extended breastfeeding, good whole foods nutrition, a positive emotional and non-toxic environment, as well as other natural immune enhancers to keep our kids safe and healthy. Interview with Dr. Cannell about vitamin D deficiency in babies and children: Vitamin D Levels and Supplementation: Pregnancy and Vitamin D Deficiency: Info on toxicity of Sunscreens You can find vitamin D and other quality vitamins and supplements at Pharmaca at great prices. Click on banner below to save money on your supplements: |
Vibrant Healthy Kids: Important for You to Know Posted: 17 Nov 2011 04:38 PM PST
Let’s face it. As a parent surfing the Internet, you probably have information overload. You’re constantly bombarded with conflicting information on topics such as toxic exposures, vaccinations, holistic medicine, food and nutrition – and it can be difficult to determine what is actually true. This is what I do best. I’ve been researching and writing about natural, holistic health for over 25 years and raising a remarkably healthy child for the past 16 years. I sift through controversial and conflicting evidence to find what the real story is so I can give you reliable information. In many instances, there is simply not enough research to come to a specific conclusion. In those cases I’ll provide you with what’s known and what’s not yet known and give you links to more information if you want to explore it further. I also consult with Healthy Child’s advisory board of doctors and environmental scientists. I realize that much of what I write here on this blog may cause you to feel concern or worry. Although some of this news may be alarming, my intention is not to spread fear. It is to empower you with knowledge and choices. When I reach deep inside myself for the reason that I do this work, it’s very clear. Babies are bright and shining rays of pure light and love, and most start out in a state of wellness, vibrancy, and joy. We don’t want them to lose this spark. But over the years I’ve seen too many children growing up with chronic illness, diminished energy, and inattentive minds. There can be many reasons for this. Research and experience tell me it’s due mostly to what children are exposed to early on in their modern environments – thousands of toxic chemicals, unhealthy processed foods, and unnecessary or harsh medications. It can be a continual cycle – exposure to toxins that create symptoms, then medical treatments to treat the symptoms, but the cause remains unknown and unaddressed so it gets worse and labeled as a disease. Then there are more treatments and eventually there are additional treatments to treat the side effects of the treatments. There is a cumulative effect, causing chronic illness and the loss of the radiance and vitality of the child. As parents, you need to be aware of what’s effecting your children’s health. But there needs to be a balance between protecting your children and letting them be who they are. Fear is paralyzing; knowledge is power. You can empower yourself to make good choices while letting go of the toxic worry. You can not completely eliminate all toxins or disease from your children’s lives. Just do the best you can with what is in your control and allow your kids to be kids. In addition to reliable information, Healthy Child offers safe, non-toxic, organic baby and children’s products. We also recommend others’ products as affiliates and receive commissions if you buy from their websites. I believe that it’s crucial for you to know all the details of products you buy for children, what materials are used, etc. So we extensively research every product that we sell and every affiliate company before we recommend them. The product sales allow us to do this work while we support our families. In fact, it’s the only thing that enables me to continue to do all this research and writing. Here is my commitment to you and your family: I will never promote a product unless I have personally researched and fully know its safety and value to the health and well-being of you and your children. There is no outside advertising allowed on this site. All the banner ads you see here are either ads for our own Healthy Child products or they link to affiliate sites. In all cases I have personally researched the products or companies. This blog is the best way to get the information to you in a short amount of time. You can read the posts and go to the links if you want more information. If you want to receive the blog posts via email directly when they are posted, you can subscribe at the blog by clicking the green icon with the envelope (subscribe via email). There will be on average 2 – 3 posts per week. Please post your comments and feedback throughout this blog. I highly value your input and I know there are a lot of parents out there with extensive knowledge to offer. I don’t have all the answers and I want this to be a community dialogue. Whether you agree with me or not – as long as the comment adds to the conversation and is respectful and positive – I welcome it. Thanks so much for being here and for taking on the most profound and challenging job on the planet – raising a healthy child! |
Posted: 16 Nov 2011 08:00 AM PST There’s been some progress made, but there are still a lot of toxic toys being sold that have unsafe levels of chemicals. U.S. PIRG is a non-profit advocate for consumers. They have done a lot of investigative research into children’s toys. The video below shows some of what they have found in tainted toys. Even though the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (which provides stronger restrictions on lead and phthalates in children’s products), is a step in the right direction, there are still tens of thousands of unregulated toxic chemicals in children’s products. At Healthy Child we believe there should be zero toxic chemicals in children’s toys. We are checking out a lot of toys and we now offer safe, non-toxic organic and natural toys.
Make your Vaccination Decisions from Your Core Values not Fear Posted: 14 Nov 2011 07:01 PM PST I read Jeanne Ohm’s editorial in a Pathways issue and feel compelled to post it here. It’s the wisest advice I’ve ever read about the vaccination issue. Pathways is a great magazine for parents, providing excellent articles and vital resources for family wellness. You can subscribe to Pathways at this link: Lettter from the Editor: Pathways Issue 22Jeanne Ohm, DC |
The Holistic Baby Guide: Alternative Care for Common Health Problems Posted: 14 Nov 2011 05:42 PM PST Empowering Book for New Parents
Utilizing over 30 years experience treating children with nutritional supplements, homeopathy and Chinese medicine, Dr. Neustaedter gives practical advice for home treatment with therapies that really do work. He provides a good overview of holistic pediatrics and lays out several possible approaches for dealing with each health issue so you can make an informed decision as to what path you want to take. This book empowers you to give your baby a healthy start in life and helps take the worry out of common problems. If you want to avoid the mainstream medical path of antibiotics and toxic therapies, this book should definitely be included in your repertoire of parenting resources. The Holistic Baby Guide is also a great reference for practitioners since it contains many protocols for treating pediatric medical conditions. Note: Healthy Child receives a small commission when you use the above link to purchase the book. This helps to support the education freely provided on Healthy Child. Rest assured that I will never recommend a book or product unless I am absolutely confident of its value to you and your children. Thank you for your support. |
Do you Have an Intense, Challenging, Spirited, or Sensitive Child? Posted: 14 Nov 2011 05:25 PM PST
If your child happens to be consistently more on the extreme side of the spectrum, he or she may have been given a label such as ADD/ADHD, ODD, PTSD, Attachment Disorder, etc. Labels like this have been created in order for health professionals to neatly define and treat a set of behaviors. If a child can be “diagnosed” with a disorder, then he or she can be treated with drugs or other therapies. That’s all the meaning these labels have. These are NOT diseases and it does not mean your child is abnormal or damaged. Your child is likely a normal, spirited child with a unique way of being, trying to function in a world that doesn’t acknowledge or accept this type of expression. He or she may simply need help with some troubling physical symptoms or challenging behavior issues. There is not any one particular pharmaceutical drug, herb, homeopathic remedy, or nutritional supplement that will “fix” your child. Each child is an individual with unique needs and can be nurtured and honored for their own uniqueness and abilities. Unraveling the symptoms and behaviors can be a little tricky, but there is a lot you can do to assist your child to be his or her greatest, happiest self. Here are several good articles on ADHD: I recommend two excellent books on the subject: Embracing Your Spirited Child: A Transformational Guide for Parents of Children with ADD/ADHD, ODD, PTSD and Attachment DisorderI was moved to tears when I read this amazing book. I love this book because I can relate to being a spirited, sensitive, misunderstood child myself. Had I been born 30 years later, I would probably have been labeled ADD and ODD. Tami Gulland does an amazing service to both children and parents because she teaches you how to recognize the unique gifts of your child. To be seen, accepted and loved for being our unique selves is the greatest gift anyone can be given. It can be truly transformative. Tami also points out that there is a tremendous amount that spirited kids can teach us and parenting them can be an adventure in personal growth. You don’t have to settle for constant stress and battles; you can have a deeper connection and increased harmony with your child. Tami Gulland shows you how to do this in this wonderful e-book. The following link will take you to a page that tells you more about this e-book. Click on the link that says “embrace your spirited child” to find out more: Stop the power struggles & hard feelings! Learn how to embrace your spirited child to create a calm, happier life. Victory Over ADHD: a Holistic Approach for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThis excellent book is written by a truly courageous mom. Deborah Merlin took matters into her own hands when she was told the only answer to her twin boys’ special needs was to drug them. She became a passionate researcher and devoted advocate for her children and helped them overcome their issues with non-invasive, drug-free treatments. She shares her story in her book, Victory Over ADHD: a Holistic Approach for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Her sons are now in college and living happy, healthy lives. She shares her insights on the factors that lead to their problems and goes into great detail on what helped them to recover. Experts have writtien some of the chapters in this book, and they go into detail on toxins in food, toxic metals, vaccines, EMFs, balancing the brain and body, and alternative approaches to healing. Deborah also shares the journey she had with recovering from her own health issues and attention problems with natural medicine. By addressing the root causes of her sons’ and her own symptoms with the removal of toxic foods, detoxification, and quality nutritional supplements, their journey to healing was successful. Click on this link to buy the book: NOTE: Healthy Child receives a small commission when you use the above links to purchase the books. This helps to support the education freely provided on Healthy Child. Rest assured that I will never recommend a book or product unless I am absolutely confident of its value to you and your children. Thank you for your support.
Dental Health for Your Children Posted: 23 Oct 2011 05:26 PM PDT Parents have a lot to consider when it comes to dental care and oral hygiene for their children. After all, dental health is a large part of keeping your children healthy. Tooth problems can be very uncomfortable and painful, and can lead to issues like gum disease, bad breath, and many other negative effects. Most importantly, as a parent, you should first consider where and how to find a suitable dentist for your child. You will then want to consider factors such as when to start taking your child for dental visits, and how to avoid potentially unhealthy or toxic dental care products and treatments. Finding a good dentist may actually be easier than you think, thanks to the search tools at Top Dentists. On this website, there is a very simple option to search your area of the country (down to your city or county) for different dentists. Once you have their names and phone numbers, you can begin to research them to find out more. You may find out that some work more frequently with children, or that one is particularly convenient for your location, etc. Whatever your case, this search tool can be invaluable as you attempt to find a good dentist for your children. As far as when to take your child to the dentist, there are a number of varying opinions on this subject. The best way to go about choosing a time may simply be to talk to a dentist when your child is very young, and get a recommendation as far as when to bring the child in, and when to start regular visits. Some experts suggest that you should take your children to the dentist around the time when they get their first baby teeth. Others, however, say that it is ok to wait until age three or four to take your child to the dentist. A main concern when it comes to children’s dental health is that common practices and products in dentistry are toxic. The most common filling material is amalgam or silver, which is 50% mercury. There are alternative fillings made of composite materials that are safer. There are also health concerns with fluoride. If you are concerned about toxicity of dental procedures and treatments, you can ask the dentists if they provide mercury-free fillings or use fluoride-free materials. See these links for more information about amalgam fillings and fluoride: Amalgam (mercury) Fillings: Fluoride: |
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