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Monday 18 June 2012

Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy Internet Grocery Shopping Resources {7 Days, 7 Tools: Build a Better Grocery Budget}

Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy Internet Grocery Shopping Resources {7 Days, 7 Tools: Build a Better Grocery Budget}

Link to Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy

Internet Grocery Shopping Resources {7 Days, 7 Tools: Build a Better Grocery Budget}

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

In exactly one week, my new eBook, Your Grocery Budget Toolbox, is scheduled to be released! All this week, I will be giving you sneak peeks of what you will find in the book, and whet your appetite for more. Because trust me, there’s a lot more. Your Grocery Budget Toolbox is over 150 pages long, each page loaded with all the tools you need to build a better grocery budget. Join with me this week (subscribe so you don’t miss a single post), and share with your friends (use the buttons to the left)… I have a feeling they’d appreciate a little grocery budget makeover, too.

Chapter 9: Saving Money in the Internet Era is all about … saving money using the internet. Surprising, no? There are a lot of fabulous tools I cover in the book, and I daresay you haven’t heard of several of them.

In fact, just this week, a brand new grocery shopping tool was unveiled… a little too late to make it into the book, so I’m going to share it with you now! (You’ll just have to get the book to find out all my other online grocery shopping secrets.) The tool I speak of is Safeway’s new Just for U online program and app.

I had the privilege of attending a blogger event hosted by Safeway to learn all about this new program, and even got to test drive it during a little shopping spree sponsored by Safeway. (It’s always so much fun spending someone else’s money!)

Photo Credit: Laura at Beltway Bargain Mom

My friend Laura the Beltway Bargain Mom was there, having fun, too:

Photo Credit: Laura at Beltway Bargain Mom


Jill at Musings from Me, and Holly from I Like it Frantic also joined us for the event and did some serious grocery shopping as well:

Kristina of Prince William County Moms was another fellow shopper, and I was quite jealous of JJ of Caffeine and a Prayer’s kickin’ awesome avocado deal: $0.89 each!

Other blogger friends attending were Maggie of Family Frugal Fun, and Gina of Moneywise Moms. We all had a great time together, shopping (without kids!) and learning the ropes of Safeway’s new Just for U program.

Photo Credit: Holly at I Like it Frantic

I am really excited about the potential of Just for U as a means of saving money on healthy food, and if you have access to a Safeway (or a store in the Safeway family), I highly recommend you sign up and check it out!

Just for U capitalizes on the latest technology to bring you convenience and savings in one neat little package. It’s very new, so it’s still developing and improving, but already, it’s fantastic!

Steve Neibergall, Safeway’s East Division President, explained what the program was all about before we headed to our shopping.

Here’s how it works: you sign up on to join the Just for U program. It’s fast and easy, and doesn’t require extensive information. (Plus, you can be assured that Safeway will never sell your info to anybody.) Once you’re signed up, go to the Just for U section of the Safeway website, where you will find 3 categories of deals that are just for you:

  • The Coupon Center contains digital coupons, and it pulls from all of the available digital coupons on the market.
  • The Personalized Deals section has deals that are literally just for you – they are non-transferable special prices offered to you based on your purchasing history (which is based on information from your Club Card transactions). The personalized deals are much like the store coupons you can clip from Safeway’s weekly ad, and are kind of like your own personal mini-sale. You can stack these deals with manufacturer’s coupons.
  • Your Club Specials is filled with current deals offered at Safeway that you might be interested in, based on the items your normally buy. I was surprised to learn that Safeway typically has 5,000-6,000 items on sale at any given time, and only about 450 of those items make it into the weekly circular. There’s a good chance that plenty of those items are ones you’d consider buying at Safeway if you knew they were on sale, but you’ll never know because they’re not in the ad. With Just for U, there’s a good chance you will be alerted to these sale prices, if they are items you would normally buy. The sale prices in Your Club Specials are available to anyone, but you will be specifically notified of them if the algorithm determines that you like to buy similar items or brands.

When browsing through the Just for U website, you can add the digital coupons and personalized deals to your club card simply by clicking the red “Add” button. When you scan your card at the register, your deals will be applied to your purchase! Simple as that.

But there’s more! You can also download an app (for Android or iPhone), where you can easily see all the Just for U deals available as you’re shopping at the store.

Using the Just for U program – without the aid of paper coupons, which I didn’t have with me – I was able to get the following items for $35:

  • Mini Watermelon $2.99 – We enjoyed this for Father’s Day!
  • 2 pkgs Hormel Natural Choice lunch meat $4.99 (BOGO) – my favorite brand of lunch meat, and pretty much the only one I will buy
  • 1 dozen Lucerne Large Eggs FREE (you automatically get free eggs when signing up with Just for U) – Normally, I order eggs from a local farm, but for free? They won’t kill me.
  • Lucerne Mozzarella/Provolone shredded cheese $1.99 – I don’t usually buy pre-shredded cheese, but I was pleased that this package was full-fat mozzarella, which is hard to find! Plus I wanted pizza for dinner the next night and wasn’t sure I had quite enough cheese at home.
  • Artisan Reserve Extra Virgin Olive Oil $5.99 – I always need olive oil. We go through it like water around here!
  • Starbucks Blonde Roast $8.99 – totally a splurge, but this is my favorite roast of coffee
  • Stash Peppermint Tea $2.49 – to make my Sweet Peppermint Tea all summer long!
  • Oreos $2.40 – a splurge for my DH cuz he’s a nice guy and Father’s Day was coming up. That man loves his Oreos!

I also should mention that I stared longingly at the Open Nature New York Strip Steaks that were gorgeous and thick and on sale for $13.99/lb. I opted not to buy them at the time because I didn’t want them to spoil in the heat on the way home, so I picked them up a couple days later. My DH was certainly spoiled this Father’s Day!

So… here’s the question: for someone who likes to buy mostly healthy foods (minus the occasional package of Oreos) that are all-natural, and organic when possible, is Just for You worth it? Time will tell more definitely, but my opinion is that if the program works the way it should, then yes. Theoretically, if your club card stats reveal that you buy a lot of minimally processed, natural, and organic ingredients, then those are the deals that will show up on your doorstep (figuratively, of course). Safeway carries a great deal of natural and organic foods, and even has their own lines of natural and organic brands (Open Nature and O Organic).

If you’re curious, you can watch this video for more information:

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

What do you think – will this help you save money on your groceries? 

 Your Grocery Budget Toolbox

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Thank you for subscribing to Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy! Here's your free copy of Spring Into Smoothies All Summer Long. Enjoy!

7 Days and Counting until the Release of Your Grocery Budget Toolbox {Menu Plan Monday}

Posted: 17 Jun 2012 06:48 PM PDT

menu plan mondayMenu Plan Monday

I am so excited! Just one week from today, my eBook, Your Grocery Budget Toolbox, will be released! 


For the first week, it will only be available to those who like Your Grocery Budget Toolbox on Facebook.


It will be available at half the introductory price of $4.99! That means (in case your math is a little slow) only $2.49 for over 150 pages chock full of invaluable information about reducing your grocery budget. This is a really really low price, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It ain’t ever gonna go that low again. So get it while the gettin’s good. And tell your friends so they can get in on the good deal before it goes away.


All this week, I’m going to be sharing some tidbits from the book. 7 Days, 7 Tools: Build a Better Grocery Budget. Come back every day from now until next Monday to get a new hint about saving money on groceries. And I might even throw a printable bone or two at you. But don’t worry… there will still be PLENTY left in the book. It’s definitely worth every penny you spend on it. If I do say so myself.

So what do you need to do? Go to Facebook. Like Your Grocery Budget Toolbox. Save your spare change up. Next Monday, June 25, order your very own copy of Your Grocery Budget Toolbox for only $2.49. And tell your friends. They’ll want it, too.



  • Leftovers
  • Mixed Greens Salad
  • Black Bean Soup



  • Nuts, Raisins, Cranberries
  • Banana Blondies
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies

In My Kitchen Today

*My concept of “Eating Intentionally”, and the 10 principles we are working through this year, come from the book “Intuitive Eating” by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. I highly recommend it – I don’t agree with everything in it, but it is a great read for anybody who has ever been on a diet and/or is considering going on a diet. 

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Thank you for subscribing to Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy! Here's your free copy of Spring Into Smoothies All Summer Long. Enjoy!

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